Home / PAINTED WORKS / Date Stamp Series

Date Stamp Series

03.10.1983 is part of a continuing series of paintings which explore photography as a conduit between lived experience and the emotions connected to memory, also known as nostalgia.

The Time Stamp series began many years ago, and will culminate in a solo show in the future, presented to the viewer as a highly personal ‘family album’ from the artist.

Memory 1 - 2022 – Oil on Canvas – 63.5cmx78cm
2019 – Oil On Linen – 122cmx183cm
Memory 1 - 2022 – Oil on Canvas – 63.5cmx78cm
Seven Snapshots
1996/1997 – Oil On Linen – 163cmx231cm
Private Collection
Winner Churchie National Emerging Art Prize
Memory 1 - 2022 – Oil on Canvas – 63.5cmx78cm
1998 – Oil On Canvas – 86cmx122cm
Selected Acquisition Stanthorpe Art Prize
Memory 1 - 2022 – Oil on Canvas – 63.5cmx78cm
1998 – Oil On Canvas – 101cmx122cm
Wesley Hospital Collection
Memory 1 - 2022 – Oil on Canvas – 63.5cmx78cm
2024 – Oil On Linen – 92cmx122cm